2003年有两件事情发生,一件是3月5日SMAP发表了单曲《世界上唯一的花朵》,成就了万众瞩目的演艺高峰;另一件是8月8日NORHOR以 “北欧表情家居”的名字在淘宝网静悄悄注册开店了,当时简陋的页面上只挂着2款钟表,这是一个几乎无人知晓的开始。歌中唱道 “每个人都是世界上唯一的花,简单的为了花朵绽放而努力就好”,这首歌不经意间成了NORHOR最贴切的注脚。
There are two things happened in 2003. One was SMAP’s EP “The One and Only Flower in the World” releasing, with which the group reached the peak of their career. Another was a very beginning that NORHOR opened a shop named “NORHOR” quietly in Taobao.com, in which only 2 clocks were on sale. It was sang that “everyone is the one and only flower in the world, just put efforts to the blossoming”. The song inadvertently became NORHOR most appropriate footnote.
The world is made up by different people and becomes beautiful because of the difference among them. However,we have been taught to be hostile to “difference”in such long time. Each unique is being corrected just like left-hand people being told to use right hand. The few characters left are like the moss, sprouting through the crack in the wall while trembling with fear. We are taught to obey the reality and tradition, persuaded to stay away from exploration and unique. Being yourself becomes more and more difficult,comparisons with each other skill. Nature are broken in the growing path, creativity vanishes during the time of sticking to convention. We all realized that,this need to be changed. NORHOR believes that all changes should begin with home.
Therefore, NORHOR is far more than a brand, unique-taste furniture and home accessories, but aesthetics concerning courage and wisdom, which means loving life in your own way. So far, NORHOR has been providing personalized household products for more than 150,000 families. Our customers are all over 32 provinces in China Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, France, Russia,Japan, South Korea and etc. We also provide product support for over 50 professional design institutions.
We believe that: “You are the most special flower in the world; each one is a sprouting seed ”. We might contribute slightly, but we stick to our vision firmly. Hope we could be by your side all the way.